Tender Alert Service : Under this Service, we will keep you posted on all new Tenders of your choice. Over & above Tender Notice, we will also share with you Tender Corrigendum, Tender Document, Minutes of Pre Bid Meeting & Tender Results wherever available.
You can choose to get Daily Email Alerts or Access to our Website if you are always on the move. If you want best of both the worlds, you can go for Combo plan too. For Corporate, we have Multi User Plan, where they can access different tenders, & collaborate.
Media Partnership : We have more than 500,000 Unique visitors from across the world who visits our Portal on regular basis in search of Government Tenders & New Business Opportunities. If you wish to Promote your upcoming B2B Exhibition or Event, we can help you promote the same among our registered Supplier Base of 5 Lakh companies under our Media Partnership deal in lieu of Stall & Advertisement support form your side.
Advertisement Options : TendersOnline.in is the Portal that is exclusively visited by Senior Professional of any Company e.g. Directors, VP, Marketing Managers, Finance Managers & Purchase Managers. All of them are decision makers & have a say in their respective Companies.