Result Description Value Contract End Date
1. Sector:Scientific Instruments Supply of 1x photomasks at sitar. INR 63.95 Lac INR 6.39 Mn
TAID : 4006795 India | Karnataka
2. Sector:Power Plant Carrying out adequacy study of electrical earthing and lightning protection system for 800kv, 6000mw hvdc champa and kurukshetra terminal stations. - -
TAID : 6867536 India | Haryana
3. Sector:Scientific Instruments Comprehensive annual maintenance contract for vibration test system INR 6.36 Lac INR 6.36 Lac
TAID : 3896618 India | Karnataka
4. Sector:Scientific Instruments Annual maintenance contract for micro motion system analyser. INR 4.13 Lac INR 4.13 Lac
TAID : 4607512 India | Karnataka
5. Sector:Scientific Instruments Annual maintenance contract for metal thickness measurement system INR 1.77 Lac INR 1.77 Lac
TAID : 4646123 India | Karnataka
6. Sector:Scientific Instruments Periodical statutory analysis of air, noise, stack, water, raw and treated effluents, treated sewage water. INR 1.29 Lac INR 1.29 Lac
TAID : 4580823 India | Karnataka
7. Sector:Non Classified Contract awarded for mr5 - franchise agreement - tram franchise mr5 - franchise agreement - tram franchise initial contract value is $7,493,000,000 (inc gst) with multiple extension options that will increase both duration and value..mr5 - franchise agreement - tram franchise - -
TAID : 6870512 Australia | Not Classified
8. Sector:Non Classified Contract awarded for outer metropolitan bus service contract - ombsc006 estimated amount payable to the contractor (including gst) $341,866,166.00 (goods or services supplied) contract duration 28-jul-2024 to 30-jun-2032.outer metropolitan bus service contract - ombsc006 AUD 3418.66 Cr AUD 34.18 Bn
TAID : 6874535 Australia | Not Classified
9. Sector:Non Classified Contract awarded for outer metropolitan bus service contract - ombsc007 estimated amount payable to the contractor (including gst) $234,390,981.00 (goods or services supplied) contract duration 7-jul-2024 to 30-jun-2032.outer metropolitan bus service contract - ombsc007 AUD 2343.90 Cr AUD 23.43 Bn
TAID : 6874425 Australia | Not Classified
10. Sector:Non Classified Contract award for package no lgcrrp/tangail/2023-24/w-07. (a) upgrading of road starting from near the h/o nojrul islam at enayetpur paschrimpara by wbm & dense carpeting ch.0-171m under tangail pourahava ward no-02, (b) upgrading of kagmara tatultola road by wbm & dense carpeting at kagmara under tangail pourashava ch.0+000-0+370m ward no-03, (c) construction of new rcc drain starting from soap factory to h/o banker... - -
TAID : 6869317 Bangladesh | Not Classified
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