Supplay of meterial for MGNREGS work Supplay of Meterial For MGNREGS Work -1 7327-100 mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long 3.866 Each 1700.39, 2 MR18-200 mm Aluminium aldrop 28.000 Each 198.00, 3 MR183-Aracanut post 97.500 Metre 25.00, 4 1208-Bitumen washer 1794.151 50 Nos 1.13, 5 982-Coarse sand (zone III) 338.919 Cum 2273.26, 6 7326-Corner angle 45x45x5 mm 1.50 m long 1.923 Each 448.43, 7 7328-Double clip (bridge clip) 7.752 Each 141.59, 8 983-Fine sand (zone IV) 2.263 Cum 1785.00, 9 1207-G.I Limpet washer 1794.151 50 Nos 0.80, 10 1550-G.I pipes 50 mm dia 82.722 Metre 586.46, 11 1547-G.I. pipes 25 mm dia 86.4552 Metre 323.32, 12, 1022-Galvanised steel bolts & nuts 6 mm, dia and 25 mm long round head with slots 936.263 10 Nos 9.68, 13 1023-Galvanised steel J or L hooks 8 mm dia 857.888 10 Nos 22.66, 14, MR113-Galvanised wire mesh of average, width of aperture 1.4 and nominal dia. of, wire 0.63 mm 126.180 Sqm 421.26, 15, MR11001-GI trafford profile sheet 0.35mm, thick 254.623 Sqm 350.00, 16, 8785-Interlocking C.C. paver block (80 mm, thick, M-30) 906.900 Sqm 879.10, 17 1036-Iron pintels including weldded pin 4.750 Each 69.62, 18 MR198-Laterite stone of size 35x20x20cm 1422.366 Each 53.00, 19 7330-M.S. Tube 40 mm dia 5.271 Metre 402.36, 20 1019-Mild steel hooks 2.375 Each 76.70, 21, 1013-Mild steel sheets for tanks 1 mm, thickness 0.772 Qintel 7520.15, 22, 1222-Mild steel sheets with bolts and nuts, to rest on pintels 4.750 Each 226.56, 23, 4009-Mild steel tubes hot finished welded, type 1219.071 Kilogram 107.38, 24 0367-Portland Cement 242.211 Tonne 11520.00, 25 MR94-Quarry Waste 48.89 Cum 1207.00, 26 4202-Red oxide Zinc chromate primer 2.463 Litre 205.35, 27 7329-Single clip 3.876 Each 107.71, 28 MR2-Solid blocks of size 30x20x20cm 904.211 Each 48.00, 29, 0298-Stone Aggregate(single size) 06 mm, nominal size 45.345 Cum 2329.95, 30, 0297-Stone Aggregate(single size) 10 mm, nominal size 98.752 Cum 2245.95, 31, 0293-Stone Aggregate(single size) 40 mm, nominal size 315.969 Cum 2163.00, 32, 0295-Stone Aggregate(single size)20 mm, nominal size 232.522 Cum 2245.95, 33 1157-Stone for masonry work 9.198 Cum 1851.15, 34, 1007-Structural steel such as tees, angles, , channels and R.S. joists 1.111 Qintel 10560.99, 35 7319-wall form panel 1250x500 mm 7.752 Each 1608.33, 36 1215-Welding by electric plant 3481.668 cm 8.26, 37 1219-Wire nails
INR 75.86 Lac
INR 7.58 Mn
2 Days to go
TOI : 79767126
India | Kerala