Supplying and Stacking Various Type of Building, Road & Other Construction Materials, at Various Places All Village of Taluka Kotda Sangani , Dist Rajkot Under Taluka Panchayat, Kotda Sangani Under MGNREGA-2024-25-26 (Annual Unit Rate). Providing of Hire Charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cum with Hopper, Hire Charges of Diesel Road Roller 8 to 10 Tonne, Hire Charges of diesel Truck – 9 Tonne, Vibrator (Needle type 40mm), Surface Vibrator, Generator 250 KVA, Tractor with Trolley, Water Tanker 5000 Ltr. Capacity, Dozer D-80-A12, Vibratory Roller 8 to 10 Tonne, Tenmem Road Roller, Water Tanker 5 to 6 KL Capacity, Hire Charges of diesel truck- 9 tonne (Without POL), Hire Charges of Drill machine upto 30mm dia, Hire Charges of compressor, Bandhani, Blacksmith 1st Class, Blacksmith 2nd Class, Carpenter 1st Class, Carpenter 2nd Class, Fitter (Grade-1), Assistant Fitter or 2nd Class fitter, Glazier, Mason ( for plaster of paris work ) 1st class, Mate, Mistry, Painter, Rock Excavator, Rock Breaker, Rock Hole Driller, Stone Chiseller, Sprayer (for bitumen, tar etc), White washer, Mason (average), Carpenter (average), Operator (Pile / special machine), Skilled torch operator for laying tack, Helper (Technician), Seam bolts and nuts, Stone Aggregate Water proofing cement paint, Ordinary Varnish, Black colour dark shade pigment, Pully 25mm dia, Coarse sand (Zone III), Shellac, Spirit, Mild Steel round bar 12mm dia and below, Mild Steel round bar above 12 mm dia, Twisted steel / demormed bars, Galvanised steel J or L Hooks 8mm dia, Galvanised steel barbed wire, Glass strip 4mm thick 40mm deep, Stone for masonry work, Stone dust, G.I. Limpet Washer, Bitumen washer, G.I. Plain Washer thick, Whiting, Hard drawn steel wire, Diesel Oil, 18mm thick Flamed finish granite stone slab, Brass bib – cock – 15mm dia, C.I. Cover and frame 300 x 300 mm inside, C.I. Cover without frame 300 x 300mm inside, G.I. inlet connection, R.C.C. Pipes, Coal Tar, Blasting Powder, Brick Bats, Wire brush, Soft brush, Portland Cement, White Cement, Coal (Steam), Decorative Plywood 4mm, Kerosene Oil, Unslaked lime, Deharadum White Lime, Marble dust / powder, Marble chips upto 4mm and downsize white & Black, Acrylic distemper 1st quality, having VOC content less than 50 gm / litre, Moorum, Dry distemper, Oil bound washable distemper / Acrylic distemper, Linseed oil (double boiled), Cement Primer, Distemper Primer, Acid Proof Paint (Chocolate or brick), Black Japan, Enamel Paint, Synthetic enamel paint in black or chocolate shade, Plastic emulsion paint, Binding wire, Modular common burnt clay bricks of class designation 7.5, Hire charges of drill machine upto 30 mm dia, Vitrified floor tile 60 x 60 cm, Precast C.C. Kerb stone M-25, 35mm thick factory made solid panel PVC door shutter of single piece extruded profile non decorative finished (matt Finished), Petrol Liter, Sundries, White LimeFlat back wash basin 500mm x 400mm size, Gun Metal screw down bib tap 15mm dia, Cast iron (Spun) Nahni trap 100mm inlet and 50mm outlet, Galvanised M.S. Tubes (Medium Grade) 25mm dia, PVC Water tank, Fly Ash Bricks Conventional, Planks 40mm thick kail or equivalent soft wood, Crushed stone aggregates 20mm size, Crushed stone aggregates 10mm size, Hand broken stone aggregate 25mm to 90mm size, Ballies 80mm dia, Ballies 125mm dia, Battens 75mm x 50mm, Principle Rafter 100 x 100 x10, Gusset Plate, Ties ( Flat), PVC Pipe 25mm, Bolts 12mm dia 10 cm long, Glass 2mm to 3mmthick, Paver Block M200 Grade 60mm thick, Mangos, Guava, Hard Morrum, Providing and laying G.I. Sheet 0.8mm thick Corrugated, 300mm dia Class NP2 Pipe, Hand cart with Mazdoor, R.C.C. Pipes NP2 class 600mm dia, Mango Plants, Jambun Graft, Aonia graft, Bamboo, Lemon Graft, Custard Apple Graft, Anodised Aluminium Screw 20mm, Iron Hinges 100mm x 58mm x 1.9mm, Marble number plate, M.S. Grill Angle Diff Size, Through and Bond Stone, Morter Mixing, Scaffolding, Anodised Aluminium Screw 20mm, Iron Hinges 100mm x 58mm x 1.9mm, Hire and Running Charges of Mechanical Mixer, Rubbles, Carriage of Rubble, Quarry Spaull, Carriage of Quarry Spaull, Sundries, Sundries, Mild Steel Bars, Cold Twisted Bars & etc, Common Burnt Clay Bricks, Through and Bond Stone, Carriage of Stone, White Bela Stone, Precast Concrete Blocks, Planks 38mm thick Kail or equivalent soft wood, Carriage of Stone Aggregate, Gun Metal Wheel Valve 40mm dia, C.P. Brass ½ turn flush cock 20mm dia, Fan box (ISI Mark) (Standard Quality), LED 9 watt Bulb ISI Mark (Standard Quality), Moduler Switch Board (Including Plugs and Regulators) 6 Switch (ISI Mark), Holders for Lamp, Tube light & Fan) ISI Mark (Standard Quality), Disc for Lamp, Tube light and Fan, Adaptars ISI mark (Standard Quality), Robot ISI mark (Standard Quality), Main Switch Board with Fuse ISI mark (Standard Quality).
30 Lac
3 Mn
1 Day to go
TOI : 79471943
India | Gujarat