Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
TOI : 67342602
Requirement : Supply of Bandage Rolled 4inch, Bandage Rolled 6inch, Analgesic Pain Spray 100 ml, Inj Metronidazole 100 ml, Inj Deriphyline 2 ml, Inj Drotaverine 2 ml, Inj Manitol 100 ml, Inj Ciprofloxacin 100 ml, Inj Paracetamol infusion 100 ml, Tab Anamol suppositories, Inj Diltiazem, Inj Zoledronic Acid 4 mg, Inj Cath Flush 10 ml, Inj Lignocaine Adrenaline 30 ml, Tab Clonazepam 0 5 mg, Tab Clopidogrel 75 mg, Darolac Sachets, Inj Piroxicam 2 ml, Band-Aid, Tab Formalin, Carboxymethyl Cellulose Eye Drops, Inj Dopamine 10 ml, Inj Potassium Chloride, Dyna Plaster 4inch, Inj Oxytocin, Inj Midazolam, Inj Atropine 0 6 mg, Inj Mephentermine, Inj Glycopyrolate 0 2 mg per ml, Cautery leads, Soda lime Jars, Gauze cloth, Isoflurane 250 ml, Catgut-1, Catgut 3-0, Inj Nitroglycerine 5 ml, Inj Articurium 2 5 ml, Inj Succinylcholine Sucol 10 ml, Urine Bags, ECG Electrodes, Inj Phenytoin, Inj Dextrose 25 percent, Inj Lidocaine Spray 10 percen Qty : 9533
Tender description : Bandage Rolled 4inch,bandage R...
Company Industry: Security Services

Key values

Closing date : 16/12/2023
Location : India-Punjab

Tender Documents
