Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
TOI : 76758335
Requirement : Capacity Building Project for the Moroccan Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs
Tender description : General procurement notice for Capacity Building Project for the Moroccan Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs The Project will include the following components: Component A - Consultancy Services: Adopt advanced IT systems in Awqaf to enable the automation of various administrative tasks and optimize the management and investment of Awqaf properties. The selection method for this Consultancy Services will be based on the Consultant’s Qualification Selection (CQS) method using international shortlisted firms Component B - Consultancy Services: Capacity Building Programs: Capacity-building activities for the staff of the Directorate of Awqaf and Awqaf personnel and other stakeholders across the country. This activity will be procured based on the individual consultant /international shortlist selection method. Component C - Familiarization: Visiting Member Countries with advanced experience in the management and investment of Awqaf properties to learn from their experience Consulting services financed by the Islamic Development Bank under the subject grant will be selected in accordance with the Guidelines for the Procurement of Consultancy Services under Islamic Development Bank Project Financing (April 2019, revised in February 2023) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines.
Company Industry: Non Classified

Key values

Closing date : 27/09/2025
Location : Morocco - Not Classified

Tender Documents
