Tender description :
Request for Expression of Interest: International Environmental Specialist
The consulting services (“the Services”) include the International Environmental Specialist to perform the following duties: -
Review community consultation and engagement lessons from Phase 3 of the Kiribati Adaptation Project (KAP III). In conjunction with other PMU and KFSU team members, develop an implementation strategy and Workplan incorporating lessons learned. Apply continuous review and improvements in the current implementation program.
Undertake site-specific environmental risk management screenings and assessments following the KOIRAP E&S two stage screening procedure outlined in the Project ESMF: (1) Initial screening using the Exclusion List applied as part of the Project’s Eligibility Criteria; and (2) Screening the submitted proposals to identify the E&S risk management approach using the Environmental and Social Screening Form included as Annex 1 of the ESMF. Some of these will be undertaken by the Consultant directly with the assistance of the PMU Environmental and Social Safeguards Officer (ESSO) and PMU team members, or remotely by guiding the PMU ESSO and others by reviewing their outputs. Prepare the environmental aspects of required Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), consultation plans, and review Contractor's Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Waste Management Plans (WMPs) (as required) for all sub-Projects with support from the PMU ESSO for World Bank E&S specialists’ review and approval.
Provide expert advice to MCIA, the PMU, MISE, Island Councils, and other supporting agencies, related to necessary environmental and social assessments, stakeholder engagement, feedback and complaint handling management, stakeholder engagement and community outreach, environmental and social risks, and relevant mitigation measures in line with the WB ESF, the Project ESMF, and other key environmental and social instruments, for the Project.
Identify and prepare relevant environmental and social management instruments relevant to subproject activities for specific GoK requirements, including any site-specific screening assessments, environmental impact assessment, and Foreshore Management Committee (FMC) and environmental license application documentation as needed for all subprojects.
Contribute to preparing environmental risk management provisions in construction documentation (either guidelines used by the construction supervision team and Island Council Officers for works undertaken using Force Account, or clauses in the Small Works contract specifications and special conditions).
Identify opportunities for, and support the PMU to, provide capacity building for contractors on preparing OHS and WMPs and implementing E&S mitigation measures.
Identify opportunities for, and support PMU to, organize capacity building for Island Councils on topics related to environmental and social aspects at the subproject/implementation level. This includes workshops, training programs, coaching, and on-the-job training.
Coordinating with the Project Manager in consolidating, reviewing, and recommending corrective actions based on reports on the progress of environmental and social management at the subproject/implementation level.
Ensure community feedback or complaints are handled using procedures established under the Project. Monitor and track the resolution of any environmental and social problems, complaints, irregularities, and other issues as required.
Conduct periodic site-specific surveillance missions where necessary. Support World Bank implementation support missions, the midterm review, and any relevant problem-solving missions as requested.
Carry out other relevant tasks as reasonably delegated by the Project Manager.
project Id: P176702
procurement Method: Individual Consultant Selection
submission Deadline Date/time: Jan 31, 2025 23:45
language of Notice: English