Requirement :
Comprehensive Operation, Preventive Maintenance & Repairs of Civil Structures, various type of pipeline, various type of valves, storage structures, pumping machineries and electrical equipment etc. located at different head works and sub headwork sites including supply of potable water to all the hamlets/villages/cities for 60 months period. District Rajkot Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance of Civil & Electromechanical assets such as intake wells/structures or offtake structures, elevated service reservoirs (E.S.R), HGLR, sump, water treatment plant, chemical house, staff quarters, pump house, all bulk transmission and distribution pipelines, valves, pumping machinery & electrical equipment etc.for the MOJ Regional water supply scheme, including supply of 3.15 MLD potable water to all the 17 villages for 60 months period. Taluka District based on MOJ Dam. Excluding supply of PAC, bleaching powder and chlorine gas.