Tender description :
Tenders Are Invited for Technical Assistance for Supporting Civil Society Through Social Entrepreneurship in Türkiye
the Overall Objective of the Project is to Enhance Sustainability, Financial Viability and Social Impact of Csos and Non-state Actors Supporting Social Needs-driven Development. for This Purpose, Activities in the Scope of Project Will Be Carried Out I)organization of Trainings and Workshops on Social Entrepreneurship; Ii)facilitating Partnerships Between Social Enterprises and Csos Via Networking Events and Establishing a Consultation/coordination Platform; Iii)organisation of Awareness Raising Activities; Iv)providing Consultancy to Selected Development Agencies; V)preparation of Pilot Social Impact Analysis Reports and Development of Overall Framework on Impact Analysis/measurement; Vi)conducting Technical Studies on Social Entrepreneurship (such as Needs Analysis, Study Visits, Screening Legislation, Synthesis Report for Policy Development and a Regulatory Impact Assessment; Vii)preparation of Policy Paper for Social Entrepreneurship.
estimated Value Excluding Vat:2 000 000,00eur