Requirement :
Auction Sale Of Condemned Items - I way switch, Patila s steel with lid 25", 63/64 amp change over double phase, Aic voltage 1.5 tonp roduct split ac mode, 1, 5 ton voltas, Adhesive tapes, Adopter 12 voll, Air conditioner system type window capacity 1.5 ton & 2 star ratjing model india, Air cooler steel body, Aqua soft purifier system 50 Itr capacity, Atta Kneading machine, Automatic voltage stabilizer make voltage, capacity 4 kva, Axe fitting with handle, Badminton net cotton, Badminton racket, Barber tool kit, Battery for GPS reacharble, Blub holder, BP machine (Electronic), Bucket with lid s/s 10 ltr, Bulb holder, Bulb switch, Camp chair, Chapti warmer ss, Ceiling fan, Class room chair cello mat good quality, Class room table cello mat good quality, Commode with pan s/s/plastic with bucket plastic, Convex mirro?, Cotton type niwar (mtr), Cricket ball casco, Cricket bat willsion, Curtain for various sectimg of hospital in mir, Daw iron, Degcha 25" with lid, Degcha 8" with lid, Desert cooler, Dhobi tub 8 gìn iron, Digital combined hight & weight machine, Electric wieght scale plate frome 01 class, to iii, Electric wire, Plastic chair (without arms) with iron frame good quality (red green), Pin tant angle medium mk-2, Celling fan, Pedstal fan, Air cooler heavy body, Carpet made synthetic (carpet mat sq/ft), 1.5 MM single core copper electric wire (mtr), Iron picket 152 cm, Mess tin sheet, Red carper 150cmx210 cm, Iron picket small, Celling fan, Tent extendable outer fly 4 men, Tent extendable sidhi cotton 02 nos each, tent, Universal member, Roof pole with 3 way, Four way joint, Three way joint besh, U pin, CGI tin sheet, Cambridge supreme chair (plastic), Surya exhaust fan, Dining table plastic four seator, Mess tin set, Curtain various size, Red carper, Siska flood light 50 watt, Cloth various color, Arms less plastic chair, Samiyana 30x45(15x15-6), Parda side wall, Rassi 400 fit attached to samiyana, Poly cab wire 6 MM (mtr), Misc. Store, Durries size 12x15, Yoga mat, Umbrella, Ajanta digital clock, Helogen room hiter 03 rod mark-, maharaja, Ajanta clock, Plastic bucekt 15 ltr, Plastic bucekt 05 ltr, Plastic mag large, Plastic bucket 5 ltr, Fan condenser (ceiling fan), Air cooler pad, Cooler water pump, Pipe for water cooler nume.